Meet Our Team
Sarah Mercer Judson, PhD
Sarah Judson is Professor of History and chair of UNC Asheville’s History Department. She has written extensively about African American history in Asheville and the connections between urban renewal and local African American civil rights protests. She was part of “Twilight of a Neighborhood,” a North Carolina Humanities Council funded oral history project that explored the experiences and memories of African American residents who lived in one of the neighborhoods targeted by Asheville’s urban redevelopment projects. One of her classes conducted oral histories of, and created timelines for, African American members of the YWCA. Dr. Judson is involved in a NEH Humanities Connections grant that will infuse digital humanities practices across the UNC Asheville curriculum, and she is co-Director of “The 828 Digital Archives for Historical Equity” Project. As part of the 828 Digital Archives initiative, she currently works with undergraduate students and community partners on an interactive digital project that maps the lives of African American cooks and laundresses as part of a larger initiative that studies the history of African American women’s labor in Western North Carolina.